Everything too small



I just set up XP on a new HP computer. Everything is
fine except the font size is too small and I do not know
how to change it. Also, opened pages fill only about one-
third of my 17 inch screen. Help! Dave


I just set up XP on a new HP computer. Everything is
fine except the font size is too small and I do not know
how to change it. Also, opened pages fill only about one-
third of my 17 inch screen. Help! Dave

Right click the desktop. Select Properties. In Display Properties,
select the Settings tab. Move the slider to increased resolution (this
is an LCD screen?). See other properties in the Advanced Button.



To increase your font size, click Control Panel, Display, Settings,
Advanced, and under General\DPI Settings, increase the percentage of font
size. Many systems' default is 96DPI and you can try to increase to 120 or
other size.

Good luck.

Alex Nichol

I just set up XP on a new HP computer. Everything is
fine except the font size is too small and I do not know
how to change it.

Go to Control Panel - Display - Settings, click Advanced, and increase
the DPI setting (I suggest 125%). You can then fine tune some fonts
sizes (notably for Icons or Menus) at Display - Appearance - Advanced

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