Everyone says Hello, so I'll be different... Hi! ;)

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Sep 16, 2008
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Hows it going?

I've just discovered this site this morning in my search for some answers (as opposed to the 'truth' which never really entirely exists I doubt). :P

My name is Seamie, im an IT Technician from Armagh in wet'n'windy Northern Ireland.

I've been unemployed, self-employed and re-employed in all manners of IT services for the past 15 years I guess, but I'm still FAR from a 'know it all' and I hate the term 'Wiz-kid'!!! FFS! I'm 33 years old and im still called a 'Wiz-kid' I'm sure you know what I'm talking about! GRrrrr

I started a Network Engineers N+ certification 6 months ago and am almost finished (in my final papers now I believe).

Now im venturing into administration of servers (Windows based at the moment, but as most boxes are going the Linux way, I reckon I'll have to follow suite too) though I'm still very much in my infancy in this domain (no pun intended....I think....) :D

So, in essence, good to be here, and I look forward to being part of the community!

Hi there Seamie, from wet'n'windy Wales ;) ...well it's dry at the moment, but I'm sure it's only temporary. :D Welcome to PC Review, :wave:
Hi Seamie, welcome to this little corner of the net :D
Hello & Welcome to the forum.

I once tried CCNA Semester 1 but it fried my brain.
Now i just come here if i have a problem!
Hi all, thanks for the welcomes. Such nice bunch of folk! :)

Haha! I've just seen that one of you guys is actually CALLED 'WizKid' LOL! See? Thats a perfect example of going with the flow and accepting your lot in life. :wave:
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