'Everyone' NT Share Ownership

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Sheild
  • Start date Start date

David Sheild

Hi all,

When an NT server share was set up, the group 'Everyone'
owned the share.

The share has subdirectories that are not permissioned to
the group 'Everyone'.

Does this mean that if a user in the group 'Everyone'
wants to change permissions on the sub-directories they
have no permissions over they have to take-ownership
individually (e.g. Owner = 'SheildD')?


Can the user change file and subdirectory permissions
anyway because they are the owner of the share by being
part of the group 'Everyone'?

Thanks guys.

NTFS permissions can be setup where you do not propagate parents
permissions. Example:

Parent Directory >
Child Sub Directory 1 >
Child Sub Directory 2 >

If you give Full Control on the Parent Directory > then the User/Group
would have same permissions for the Child Sub Directories. However, you
can go to each sub directory and specify otherwise. Say for instance you
go to the Child Sub Directory 1> and choose "Do Not propagate Inheritable

Then what you would have is:

Parent Directory > (full control)
Child Sub Directory 1 > (not full control)
Child Sub Directory 2 > (full control)

I hope this helps! If you have additional questions on this topic, please
respond back to this posting.


Eric Butts
Microsoft Access Support