Events registered with AddHandler not firing


Thiago Arrais

I am writing a VS .NET Addin and I need to create menu items
(CommandBarButtons) at run-time. I can do that but the event handlers
do not work. They are registered using AddHandler (wich was created
for that, isn't it?), but I think I am using it wrongly, because only
the last registered button fires the event and only if it the button
variable is declared as a class field (sorry if the term is incorrect,
I am new to VB and .NET).

Any solution in C# or VB .NET is welcome. I actually started writing
the Addin in C# but changed to VB because the C# code couldn't fire
events. Events could be fired in VB using the Handles clause but now I
need to add handlers at runtime...

My Code (obviously simplified):

Public Class Connect


Dim button As CommandBarButton 'button as class field

Private Sub GuiInit()


For Each filestr In files

button =
button.Caption = Path.GetFileName(filestr)
button.Tag = filestr
AddHandler button.Click, AddressOf WizardButtonClick


End Sub

Public Sub WizardButtonClick(ByVal Ctrl As CommandBarButton, ByRef
CancelDefault As Boolean)


End Sub

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Thiago Arrais

Tried that. And also declaring it Private.

Only the last created button works.

Thiago Arrais

Found a solution to the problem.

You actually need to somehow keep a reference to the objects that you
registered the events for. I used an ArrayList.

Thank you,
Thiago Arrais

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