Events disappear in VS.Net 2003




All of our developers using C# VS.Net 2003 to develop websites are
having problems with Events being deleted from their code by Visual
Studio. It seems that object events defined in the properties window
work for a while during debugging, and after a while visual studio
decides that it doesn't like the events anymore and it cancels them
however leaves intact the associated code that is called by the event.

As far as I have been told the developers using VB.NET are not
experiencing these problems.

The only way I have found around this problem is to code the events for
webpage objects directly in the HTML.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem??? and is there a solution to
this as it is driving us NUTZ. I have found very little/next to nothing
searching in google.



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Frans Bouma [C# MVP]

Rekkie said:

All of our developers using C# VS.Net 2003 to develop websites are
having problems with Events being deleted from their code by Visual
Studio. It seems that object events defined in the properties window
work for a while during debugging, and after a while visual studio
decides that it doesn't like the events anymore and it cancels them
however leaves intact the associated code that is called by the event.

As far as I have been told the developers using VB.NET are not
experiencing these problems.

The only way I have found around this problem is to code the events for
webpage objects directly in the HTML.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem??? and is there a solution to
this as it is driving us NUTZ. I have found very little/next to nothing
searching in google.

THis is a known isue if I'm not mistaken. I've ran into this myself a couple
of times.

You can re-wire the event handlers in the InitializeComponent() method in
the code behind.


Robert Dickow


All of our developers using C# VS.Net 2003 to develop websites are
having problems with Events being deleted from their code by Visual
Studio. It seems that object events defined in the properties window
work for a while during debugging, and after a while visual studio
decides that it doesn't like the events anymore and it cancels them
however leaves intact the associated code that is called by the event.

As far as I have been told the developers using VB.NET are not
experiencing these problems.

The only way I have found around this problem is to code the events
for webpage objects directly in the HTML.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem??? and is there a solution to
this as it is driving us NUTZ. I have found very little/next to
nothing searching in google.

Wow, yes, I just had a project that started doing this, for events but
also properties in my Corelab mySql add in modules. I don't know why it
happened. As you say, the code was still in the code behind files in my
web project. So.... I carefully backed up the whole sheband. Then I
created a brand new blank project, did a "Add from existing...." on
every file, and lo and behold, it fixed it. No more forgetfulness.

OH, and I'm using VS.NET 2002



Hi Frans,

Well actually rewiring the events in the InitializeComponent() method
doesn't really help me much, as soon as I turn around they disappear

As for it being a know issue, I have not been able to find any
documentation on MSDN on the web, do you know where I can find it??


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Robert Dickow

Well actually rewiring the events in the InitializeComponent() method
doesn't really help me much, as soon as I turn around they disappear

As for it being a know issue, I have not been able to find any
documentation on MSDN on the web, do you know where I can find it??


I don't know about this being documented anywhere. I have a slight hunch
about it though. After restoring my project and fixing the problem, I
did one little edit in an external editor, and the problem reappeared.

Did you ever load any pages into UltraEdit or Notepad or anything like

Bob Dickow

David Cuffee

I doubt this is it but I had some system classes disappear on me. It was the
ListBox.SelectedIndices and every other class under the ListBox. I found out
it was because I had gotten a new laptop and when I moved he product over I
copied the project files incorrected into the wrong sub-directories.
Meaning, the project file is suppose to be one folder above all the classes
and forms, and I had the project file in the same folder. Somehow I also had
a project file one folder above too, so VS was probably getting confused.
Once I got rid of the project file in the sub folder, everything started
working correctly. Its probably not your problem here.


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