Recieving the following error:
Source: NTFRS
EventID: 13562
The nTFRSMember object cn-bcg-tmp-vpn,cn=domain system volume [sysvol
share],cn=file replication service,cn=system,dc=bcgsystems,dc=com has a
invalid value for the attribute frsComputerReference
The bcg-tmp-vpn machine is no longer part of the network I believe it was
pulled off network without first being demoted from a DC. how can I correct
Thank you
Source: NTFRS
EventID: 13562
The nTFRSMember object cn-bcg-tmp-vpn,cn=domain system volume [sysvol
share],cn=file replication service,cn=system,dc=bcgsystems,dc=com has a
invalid value for the attribute frsComputerReference
The bcg-tmp-vpn machine is no longer part of the network I believe it was
pulled off network without first being demoted from a DC. how can I correct
Thank you