The event viewer can tell you an awful lot about what is going on with your
computer, whether it's errors, or plain informational..take a look for
yourself, click on Application, then look through the events, Red indicates
an error, yellow a warning, not meaning that something bad may happen, but
perhaps a change has been made, and the other is purely informational.
On errors, and warnings there will be information, albeit limited, about
the particular cause, as well as an event ID and an error code..both are
useful, necessary really, when researching the cause and solution. They
also will, for the most part, have a hyperlink that when clicked will take
you to an MSKB article giving a bit more information...
These are tools that can help narrow down the possible causes of the
problem, which eventually will lead to a solution.
You can use Google..or whatever search engine you like, to look up those
event ID's and error codes.
Yes, the IT department will use this information, but you certainly can fix
many things on your own if you are willing to do a bit of research, however,
that said, if it's a work computer, let them do their job..if they mess up
it's their neck, if you do...well, it could get ugly. But, your home pc is
a good place to start.