You can filter the event log for the 6005 event.
Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]
| Thanks Dave and Pegasus.
| I was hoping to be able to create a Warning Message in the System and
| Application Event Logs something would just stand out so I could see
| instantly from within the event logs when the server was shutdown or
| While I've seem the one you mentioned Dave, I wanted something more
| that the Server was shutdown and not just on the off chance Event Viewer.
| Pegasus the information you provide was great thank you, is it possible to
| get to add that info into the actual event application event log rather
| a seperate file?
| Ive tried to use
| @echo off
| if not exist c:\Logs md c:\Logs
| echo %date% %time:~0,5% Shutdown >>
| But it wont add the Message in