Event Scheduler??

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Visual Studio 2003 / C#

I have a windows based application, with a SQL backend running on Windows
Server. It is a basic job logging system in short. There is a requirement
to automatically generate jobs at regular intervals. What is the best way to
achieve this functionality. My initial thought was to create a service...but
I am not really sure what that involves, nor whether it is the right way to
go. Can I create a Windows service, which would just call a piece of C#
code? Then my C# code could just poll an "event" table in the database and
action any events that are scheduled for that date and time.

Any suggestions people??


Steve said:
Visual Studio 2003 / C#

I have a windows based application, with a SQL backend running on Windows
Server. It is a basic job logging system in short. There is a requirement
to automatically generate jobs at regular intervals. What is the best way to
achieve this functionality. My initial thought was to create a service...but
I am not really sure what that involves, nor whether it is the right way to
go. Can I create a Windows service, which would just call a piece of C#
code? Then my C# code could just poll an "event" table in the database and
action any events that are scheduled for that date and time.

Any suggestions people??



Yes a service would work nicely... In the service start function you
start a timer.. Then in the timer function you launch a new thread
every time you want to do work.

Have you looked at SqlServer jobs? in Enteprise manager->Management.. Jobs?
This way, you will be able run stored procedures inside SqlServer... Do you
need to run this in a C# application?
Are you running SqlServer 2000? 2005?

Erick Sgarbi
no I dont know what SqlServer jobs is so havent looked at that, what is it?
I am running SqlServer 2000.
Can you provide a tiny code example of what you mean here, or explain it a
little more indepth please? I havent done anything with threading before.

