Have a "pop-up" utility form that performs a single task - it enables
the user to ping a specified location.
The form has several labels and 2 buttons cmdPing and cmdClose.
When cmdPing is clicked, it displays a wait indicator, disables
cmdPing, and waits for the results - when they return, it updates a
status indicator, removes the wait indicator, and reenables cmdPing.
All of this works as desired.
So - since this is the only thing this form is used for I decided to
have it perform an initial ping when the form is opened - so I call
cmdPing_Click. The only problem is, I want the form to be fully
loaded and visible BEFORE the cmdPing_Click code is executed.
In an attempt to do so, I am execute he following to lines..
Call cmdPing_Click
But the code executes BEFORE the form is visible....
Any suggestions?
So far - I've tried the following (I was thinking this was the event
On Open
On Load
On Activate
On GotFocus
On Current
Oh - sorry - I forgot to mention Access2k (9.0.2720) on WinXP Pro sp2.
the user to ping a specified location.
The form has several labels and 2 buttons cmdPing and cmdClose.
When cmdPing is clicked, it displays a wait indicator, disables
cmdPing, and waits for the results - when they return, it updates a
status indicator, removes the wait indicator, and reenables cmdPing.
All of this works as desired.
So - since this is the only thing this form is used for I decided to
have it perform an initial ping when the form is opened - so I call
cmdPing_Click. The only problem is, I want the form to be fully
loaded and visible BEFORE the cmdPing_Click code is executed.
In an attempt to do so, I am execute he following to lines..
Call cmdPing_Click
But the code executes BEFORE the form is visible....
Any suggestions?
So far - I've tried the following (I was thinking this was the event
On Open
On Load
On Activate
On GotFocus
On Current
Oh - sorry - I forgot to mention Access2k (9.0.2720) on WinXP Pro sp2.