event 5777 said:
Can someone explain to me what this means:
"Netlogon got the following error while trying to get the
subnet to site mapping information from the DS:
Not enough storage is available to process this command"
What kind of storage is it asking for??
Do you mean 5774 errors?
Either way, sounds like a classic issue with DNS in regards to either not
using only your internal servers or the SRVs are missing.
If you can post some config info, that would help us diagnose this:
1. Unedited ipconfig /all
2. AD DNS zone name
3. The spelling of the zone in DNS and whether the SRV records exist or not.
4. Any other event log errors
5. More than one site configured and if so, were they configured properly by
their subnets?
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services
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