Event ID 5775

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sava jurisic
  • Start date Start date

Sava jurisic

Hi All,

I just completed a migration from Windows 2000 to Windows SBS 2003;

Box that used to be a Primary DC in W2K environment has joined Win SBS 2003
DOMAIN as domain controller and also it serves as TERMINAL SERVER

Everything seems to be OK except the errors in system log caused by
NETLOGON; Here is the example:

Deregistration of the DNS record '_ldap._tcp.pdc._msdcs.sekure.ca. 600 IN
SRV 0 100 389 server.sekure.ca.' failed with the following error: DNS
operation refused.
Deregistration of the DNS record 'gc._msdcs.sekure.ca. 600 IN A'
failed with the following error: DNS operation refused.
Deregistration of the DNS record 'sekure.ca. 600 IN A' failed
with the following error: DNS operation refused.
Deregistration of the DNS record
'_gc._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.sekure.ca. 600 IN SRV 0 100 3268
server.sekure.ca.' failed with the following error: DNS operation refused.

The log record appear every 90 min;

Now, sekure.ca domain has been replaced with sekure1.lokal; DNS server has
been moved to new machine and DNS does not throw any exception!

I have been looking into KB, but there is no streight answer!

Your HELP is much appreciated!

Many thanks,
Hi Sava,

I'm by no means an expert in this subject matter of DNS nor Windows Small
Business Server, but I'll try to assist you to the best of my ability. This
has nothing to do with the upgrade to SBS, this is solely all related to

If you checked the netlogon.dns file, you would probably notice that the new
domain name and the old domain are still was showing up in the .dns file and
each record for the old domain probably has a semi-colon (;) in front it.

Sample from netlogon.dns

; gc._msdcs.microsoft.northamerica.com. 600 IN A 208.21.x.38
; gc._msdcs.microsoft.northamerica.com. 600 IN A 208.21.x.60
; gc._msdcs.microsoft.northamerica.com. 600 IN A 208.21.x.110

So if the general troubleshooting in the article do not work, then try the
following procedural steps outlined below:

259277 Troubleshooting Netlogon Event 5774, 5775, and 5781

- Stop the Netlogon service.

- Move the Netlogon.dns and Netlogon.dnb files to a backup folder. The
default location for these files is in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Config

- Restart the computer. The Netlogon service automatically restarts. You can
just restart the Netlogon service, but you should consider restarting the
computer. If you do not restart the computer and the event is logged again,
you should retry the troubleshooting process, and then restart the computer.

Then post back to the newsgroup to let us know if the error went away or
not, so that someone else that know more about DNS than myself can further
assist you.

Hope this helps,
Mike Rosado
Windows 2000 MCSE + MCDBA
Microsoft Enterprise Platform Support
Windows NT/2000/2003 Cluster Technologies

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