Event ID: 529 (0x0211)
Type: Failure Audit
Description: Logon Failure
Reason: Unknown user name or bad password
User Name: %1 Domain: %2
Logon Type: %3 Logon Process: %4
Authentication Package: %5 Workstation Name: %
I am getting this message from Windows 98 PCs. I recently
upgraded from Windows NT to 2000. The 2000 and XP
workstation had to rejoin the domain. 98 PCs are having
trouble logging in.
Type: Failure Audit
Description: Logon Failure
Reason: Unknown user name or bad password
User Name: %1 Domain: %2
Logon Type: %3 Logon Process: %4
Authentication Package: %5 Workstation Name: %
I am getting this message from Windows 98 PCs. I recently
upgraded from Windows NT to 2000. The 2000 and XP
workstation had to rejoin the domain. 98 PCs are having
trouble logging in.