Event ID 49 - FTDISK

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sydney Delieu
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Sydney Delieu


I keep getting an 'Event ID 49 - Ftdisk' in my event log
every time I reboot the server.

The server has: 1GB RAM, 57GB HDD (actually it's 3 x 18GB
SCSI drives), plenty of free disk space, Service Pack 4
installed, and it is up to date with critical updates.

I have tried deleting and the re-creating my pagefile.sys
file, I have tried changing the size of the pagefile.sys
file. Nothing seems to work.

I have read 319931 but cannot find the 'Quick Fix'
mentioned there. Searching the web reveals nothing else I
can try.

Please help.

Sydney Delieu.

The quick fix was included in SP4, so you already have it installed. Other
KB articles that might be interesting are 260025 and 226448.

Best regards

Hi Bjorn,

Thanks for your reply. I do not have any Adaptec
hardward/drivers installed - I have "Symbios". There has
been no memory upgrade ever. Any other suggestions? Would
throwing more RAM at the box help any, or would this just
make it worse because it then needs a larger pagefile.sys?
Will this ftdisk problem cause any other problems or does
it just mean it's impossible to perform a core dump if the
system crashes unexpectedly?

Sydney Delieu.

Didn't Adaptec buy Symbios five or six years ago? There might be a software
relation between the two. Do you have the driver mentioned installed on
your system?

If you only get those '49' errors during boot, and not else when accessing
your disk subsystem, my conclusion would be that the errors possibly might
be harmless, especially if they come from a defective driver.

Adding RAM will not help solving this problem, but might possibly cause a
similar problem, described in 226448, if the page file isn't enlarged

Best regards
