Got a weird thing going on in my network.
Every Monday morning a random selection from my Windows 2000 Machines will
have the following error in the Application Log.
Source: EventSystem
Category: Firing Agent
Event ID: 4100
Description: The COM+ Event System failed to create an instance of the
subscriber {ID} CoCreateInstanceEX returned HResult 8000401A
When this happens a NEW user folder based on the default user is created for
the person using the computer. Sometimes this happens more than once at
start-up, so in Document's and Setting's we have;
User folder
User folder.domain
User folder.domain.000
User folder.domain.n
These new folders creation timestamps coincide with the timestamps in the
eventlog for the 4100 Event.
This is taking up valuable time every Monday and REALLY getting on my
nerves, historically the company dealt with this by remapping the folder
link in the profilelist registry key.
But this obviously has never fixed the issue.
Any help much appreciated.
Got a weird thing going on in my network.
Every Monday morning a random selection from my Windows 2000 Machines will
have the following error in the Application Log.
Source: EventSystem
Category: Firing Agent
Event ID: 4100
Description: The COM+ Event System failed to create an instance of the
subscriber {ID} CoCreateInstanceEX returned HResult 8000401A
When this happens a NEW user folder based on the default user is created for
the person using the computer. Sometimes this happens more than once at
start-up, so in Document's and Setting's we have;
User folder
User folder.domain
User folder.domain.000
User folder.domain.n
These new folders creation timestamps coincide with the timestamps in the
eventlog for the 4100 Event.
This is taking up valuable time every Monday and REALLY getting on my
nerves, historically the company dealt with this by remapping the folder
link in the profilelist registry key.
But this obviously has never fixed the issue.
Any help much appreciated.