I have been investigating a problem on my network for several months now, and have narrowed the offending software down to PowerPoint 2000. It seems that when multiple presentations are given from the same PC, the server will start logging Event ID 2009 errors every 5 seconds, and the PC displays an error message that "no internal file handlers are available". Rebooting the PC is the only way to fix the issue, after which it will function OK for several more presentations, then the same sequence of events occur. Can anyone shed some light on this, as I am stumped!!!!! Thanks for your attention.
I have been investigating a problem on my network for several months now, and have narrowed the offending software down to PowerPoint 2000. It seems that when multiple presentations are given from the same PC, the server will start logging Event ID 2009 errors every 5 seconds, and the PC displays an error message that "no internal file handlers are available". Rebooting the PC is the only way to fix the issue, after which it will function OK for several more presentations, then the same sequence of events occur. Can anyone shed some light on this, as I am stumped!!!!! Thanks for your attention.