I have googled around a bit and haven't found what I need.
I am coding in C#, not VB.
Outlook 2002 and above.
I have some New Mail, Reply buttons. I only want to enable these at the
same time Outlook enables the proper ones.
So if they change folders to Today or Calendar, I would like to remove the
buttons I have added.
I can't figure out which event I should be registering for?
And, assuming an event, which property should I check to determine if:
1. I am viewing mail items
2. One is selected (otherwise I want to disable Reply)
3. If the Calendar has been selected
4. If Notes are active, since I will also want to do something similar with
Looking for some examples, so if you are aware of any code snippets (VB if
C# note available) that do this kind of thing, point them out to me.
Much appreciated.
I am coding in C#, not VB.
Outlook 2002 and above.
I have some New Mail, Reply buttons. I only want to enable these at the
same time Outlook enables the proper ones.
So if they change folders to Today or Calendar, I would like to remove the
buttons I have added.
I can't figure out which event I should be registering for?
And, assuming an event, which property should I check to determine if:
1. I am viewing mail items
2. One is selected (otherwise I want to disable Reply)
3. If the Calendar has been selected
4. If Notes are active, since I will also want to do something similar with
Looking for some examples, so if you are aware of any code snippets (VB if
C# note available) that do this kind of thing, point them out to me.
Much appreciated.