I've got a windows 2000 server on an NT4 domain.
I've got it patched completely up to SP4.
Lately, after about a day of running, clients on the
network are unable to reconnect to the server via existing
mapped drives, and are also unable to print, since this
server is the print server for a networked HP printer.
After users are suddenly unable to reconnect, I get event
2019 in the event log which says "The server was unable to
allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the pool
was empty". I've found KB article 289209, but it simply
states to install the latest service pack, which I re-
installed with no help.
The problem seems to be resolved after I restart the
system, but after restarting, it takes nearly 10 minutes
for anything to show up in the Network and Dialup
connections dialog box. I seem to be having lots of DCOM
errors after startup as well, so I'm not really sure where
to begin.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I've got it patched completely up to SP4.
Lately, after about a day of running, clients on the
network are unable to reconnect to the server via existing
mapped drives, and are also unable to print, since this
server is the print server for a networked HP printer.
After users are suddenly unable to reconnect, I get event
2019 in the event log which says "The server was unable to
allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the pool
was empty". I've found KB article 289209, but it simply
states to install the latest service pack, which I re-
installed with no help.
The problem seems to be resolved after I restart the
system, but after restarting, it takes nearly 10 minutes
for anything to show up in the Network and Dialup
connections dialog box. I seem to be having lots of DCOM
errors after startup as well, so I'm not really sure where
to begin.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.