even/odd returns 1 0r 16

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gbiwan
  • Start date Start date



Thanks for all the help in the very recent past!

I have a new item that I would like to do...

In cell "E6" I would like to return either 1 or 16 based on the result of a
lookup table in cell "DB4". The easiest would be if the answer was even
then "16" would be returned. If it was odd then "1". I know that there is
an easy solution but can't get me head around it...

What I'm trying to do is to change the dates on a payroll sheet... this
seems like the easiest way to do so... however if somebody could tell me a
way to populate the columns to the right of the first day of the pay period
("E6") based on a period picked from a control that would be even better!

Then I think that there's a way to mark and identify Holidays correct? In
the perfect world... the user would pick a pay period... the cells "E6" to
"T6" would fill in the dates and if there was a holiday during that period
that the column would be highlighted... could that be done?

Thanks in advance for looking at my posts! The current project looks very
amazing thanks to you!

see below
In cell "E6" I would like to return either 1 or 16 based on the
result of a lookup table in cell "DB4". The easiest would be if the
answer was even then "16" would be returned. If it was odd then "1".
I know that there is an easy solution but can't get me head around

What I'm trying to do is to change the dates on a payroll sheet...
this seems like the easiest way to do so... however if somebody could
tell me a way to populate the columns to the right of the first day
of the pay period ("E6") based on a period picked from a control that
would be even better!

not quite sure what you're trying to achieve but if you insert a date
in E6 you can use the following in F6
=E6+1 -> included weekends
=WORKDAY(E6,1) -> if you want only workdays
copy both to the right

Then I think that there's a way to mark and identify Holidays
correct? In the perfect world... the user would pick a pay period...
the cells "E6" to "T6" would fill in the dates and if there was a
holiday during that period that the column would be highlighted...
could that be done?

one way:
- you have stored your holiday dates in a separate range (lets say
- highlight the columns E6:T6
- goto 'format - conditional format' and enter the following formula
- choose your format for the holiday columns

Thanks Frank!

This did the trick!

Is there a way to format a cell in the row below based on the result of the
conditional formatting? (or countif formula?) I'd like to return STAT in
the cell directly below the conditionally formatted holiday result... any

Thanks again for your great HELP!

just enter in the cell for column E the following formula:
copy this to the right
Sorry... but one more(ish)

I'd like to highlight the range W9:X134 when there is a Holiday in the pay
period... I can get it to work for the first day of the pay period but not
if the holiday falls on any other day...

What am I missing?

It would help if I was more specific eh? I'm trying to use conditional
formatting to change the color of the range if there is a STAT holiday in
the pay period. (which is what the previous postings gave me... Thanks
again by the way!)

I can figure out if "E6" is the holiday but I can't figure out how to get
the formula to look for any holiday that is returned on the other days of
the pay period... the days run from "E6" to "T6" does this make sense?

Thanks in advance for your patient help!

still not sure what you're trying to achieve :-)
If you like email me your spreadsheet
(frank[dot]kabel[at]freenet[dot]de) and i'll have a look at it.