OK, I've been playing around with this control hoping it would be good for my
If the Calendar pops up, then I decide to go to another XP window, strange
things happen, sometimes I can switch to another window and sometimes I get
another window with the Calendar control on top.
I also noticed that our screen print software PrintKey 2000 will not work
when the Calendar window is displayed on screen, it captures only the
Calendar window not the screen. I dont know if this is a bug in Printkey or
whether the Calandar control is misbehaving.
If the Calendar pops up, then I decide to go to another XP window, strange
things happen, sometimes I can switch to another window and sometimes I get
another window with the Calendar control on top.
I also noticed that our screen print software PrintKey 2000 will not work
when the Calendar window is displayed on screen, it captures only the
Calendar window not the screen. I dont know if this is a bug in Printkey or
whether the Calandar control is misbehaving.