evaluate math expressions

  • Thread starter Thread starter OJO
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Hello microsoft.public.dotnet.framework!

I'm wondering if there is any class in framework that provides ability
to evaluate math expressions like for example "(2+2*8)^2".

I searched through assemblies but found nothing usueful.

As my application uses internet connection, I though about using google
calculator, but I don't know if google can be used as webservice to get
the result.

I'll be very thankful for any help.

R.Balaji said:
Read more on Google web service...

I can't use it. The first reason is that I don't agree with the terms of
licence (it won't be personal use) and the another one is that when I
call google as webservice it doesn't use calculator but returns www
results instead.

There is no class that does this in the .net framework.
Depending on your requirements, I'd suggest 3 options:
- use someone else's or build your own calculator class. It's not that hard,
and almost any parser generator includes one as a sample (try e.g. ANTLR)
- Look for a way to include the JScript or VBScript hosts in .net. They can
be used as COM components, this shouldn't be too hard. Both provide a
solution for your problem, although they are much more powerful (containing
logical/bitwise operations, string operations...)
- You might also use dynamic code generation/compilation, but the produced
IL code will never get recycled. However this will definitely be the fastest
way, as it results in native code.
