I have a need for an "Eval" function and found the perfect sample
The problem is it doesn't like "IsDate" being fed into it.
Any Ideas? seems like a missing reference, but I can't figure it out...
PS Thanx to Peter Bromberg for providing the sample
Namespace PAB.Util
Public Class EvalProvider
Public Function Eval(ByVal vbCode As String) As Object
Dim c As VBCodeProvider = New VBCodeProvider
Dim icc As ICodeCompiler = c.CreateCompiler()
Dim cp As CompilerParameters = New CompilerParameters
' Sample code for adding your own referenced assemblies
cp.CompilerOptions = "/t:library"
cp.GenerateInMemory = True
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder("")
sb.Append("Imports System" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Imports System.Xml" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Imports System.Data" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Imports System.Data.SqlClient" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Namespace PAB " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Class PABLib " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("public function EvalCode() as Object " & vbCrLf)
'sb.Append("YourNamespace.YourBaseClass thisObject = New
sb.Append(vbCode & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("End Function " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("End Class " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("End Namespace" & vbCrLf)
Debug.WriteLine(sb.ToString()) ' look at this to debug your eval
Dim cr As CompilerResults = icc.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp,
Dim a As System.Reflection.Assembly = cr.CompiledAssembly
Dim o As Object
Dim mi As MethodInfo
o = a.CreateInstance("PAB.PABLib")
Dim t As Type = o.GetType()
mi = t.GetMethod("EvalCode")
Dim s As Object
s = mi.Invoke(o, Nothing)
Return s
End Function
End Class
The problem is it doesn't like "IsDate" being fed into it.
Any Ideas? seems like a missing reference, but I can't figure it out...
PS Thanx to Peter Bromberg for providing the sample
Namespace PAB.Util
Public Class EvalProvider
Public Function Eval(ByVal vbCode As String) As Object
Dim c As VBCodeProvider = New VBCodeProvider
Dim icc As ICodeCompiler = c.CreateCompiler()
Dim cp As CompilerParameters = New CompilerParameters
' Sample code for adding your own referenced assemblies
cp.CompilerOptions = "/t:library"
cp.GenerateInMemory = True
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder("")
sb.Append("Imports System" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Imports System.Xml" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Imports System.Data" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Imports System.Data.SqlClient" & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Namespace PAB " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("Class PABLib " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("public function EvalCode() as Object " & vbCrLf)
'sb.Append("YourNamespace.YourBaseClass thisObject = New
sb.Append(vbCode & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("End Function " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("End Class " & vbCrLf)
sb.Append("End Namespace" & vbCrLf)
Debug.WriteLine(sb.ToString()) ' look at this to debug your eval
Dim cr As CompilerResults = icc.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp,
Dim a As System.Reflection.Assembly = cr.CompiledAssembly
Dim o As Object
Dim mi As MethodInfo
o = a.CreateInstance("PAB.PABLib")
Dim t As Type = o.GetType()
mi = t.GetMethod("EvalCode")
Dim s As Object
s = mi.Invoke(o, Nothing)
Return s
End Function
End Class