Eval in ItemTemplate



Hi, misters,

I'll try put an attribute runat="server" to TR in ItemTemplate of DAtalist:

<tr id="filaListado<%# Eval("idtareasworkflow") %>"
onclick="SeleccionarFilaLis('<%# Eval("idtareasworkflow") %>', '<%#
Eval("Offset") %>');"

but I get error "The server tag is not well formed"

I tried with this post

bruce barker said:
binding expressions (<%# %>) can only be used on controls with
runat=server. also, they must be the complete attribute value
(att="<%#bind_expression%>"). if you need to concat, do it in the

but I get:

Parser Error Message: The server tag is not well formed.

Line 199: </HeaderTemplate>
Line 200: <ItemTemplate>
Line 201: <tr id="<%=
"filaListado" + Eval("idtareasworkflow") %>"

I've tried too with <%# %>, and <%= %>, but the same error.

Any help, please ? Thanks in advanced.

Any help will be appreciated


your tag is not well formed because you have too many quotation marks -
always use this syntax: attribute='<%# Eval("...") %>' . As you can see I am
using only one pair of queotation marks and one pair of apostrophes.

Any way your code will not work because you can't bind to ID property.


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