EU wants to improve electronic quality and repair.

I would really like to see the EU enforce makers of white good and electronics items to ensure that they are a) reparable and b) last a reasonable time frame. If the quoted "2 year" lifespan of white goods is true, that is crazy. There's little point in just recycling cardboard/plastic/etc... if we're scrapping washing machines and microwaves after just a couple of years.

The race to the bottom, just to save a few quid in the short term is something I feel should really be discouraged. There's little incentive for manufactures to make goods that last a long time at the moment, which is a waste for everyone in terms of time and money.
Makes no odds to the UK what Europe decides now cos the lies were cast, public was duped and soon we will truly be an island nation once more.

My LG washing machine is now 8 years old and going strong; my last Beko fridge/freezer lasted 15 years and the cooker I bought in 2002 is still doing everything it's supposed to do.

You pays yer money, you takes yer choice...

Repairing items used to be the norm, I blame Apple for encouraging short life spans of products, they just love the term 'built in obscolescence' ;)
All the appliances of this house are now 13 years old, and they are all still working. Well there is one burner on the stove that doesn't get as hot as the others, but oh well.

I tested and replaced the car battery today, I hope to become a repair tech cause I see money in that field if I can learn robotics.:dance:
Makes no odds to the UK what Europe decides now cos the lies were cast, public was duped and soon we will truly be an island nation once more.

Hopefully if they did implement it, we'd benefit as a by-product, as they'll likely have European models for sale here. Fingers crossed.

My LG washing machine is now 8 years old and going strong; my last Beko fridge/freezer lasted 15 years and the cooker I bought in 2002 is still doing everything it's supposed to do.

What have you done :eek::lol:... Don't you know you've jinxed it ;).

We've got an Admiral fridge that came with our house from the previous owner, it's pretty much had everything replaced, but it still works. I've replaced the defrost heater twice, control board, thermostat, defrost timer and rewired some perished wiring.
One of the ways that manufacturers here in the USA discourage repairing rather than replacing is to make the replacement parts outrageously expensive. A replacement motor for a $500 clothes washer is $359.