Ethernet cable length


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
My computer DESK is in my lounge. It is against a wall that is next to my neighbors bedroom. Said neighbors have a little moan every so often when I am playing Assetto Corsa or Project Cars. So I thought I would move said desk to the other side of my lounge and the adjoining wall would be with my bedroom. Problem is the BT master socket is on the same adjoining wall as my neighbors. I could make an extension and move the maser socket but I am not that clever, so can I leave the BT Openreach box where it is by the master socket and run a 10 meter ethernet cable to the router on the other side of the room where the desks new location would be ? Is there a maximum length that an ehternet cable should be between the Openreach box and router?
Is there a maximum length that an ehternet cable should be

CAT5 is 100mtrs
