Esyndicate or wwwcoolsearch ?
I get Mycrosoft antispyware giving me a report of
Esyndicate trojan/hijacker loading on and spybot
gives a wwwCoolsearch.leftover for the same item. I have
been trying for weeks to remove it.
It hijacks my EI to about.com, it pops up every 5 minutes
it seems an ad for a spyware removal software
(3 different adds it seems, not in random order). This
malware or whatever you want to call it is one
and all the same. In process I have two files
C:\WINDOWS\system32\qiwuRS.exe) that keep regenerating no
matter how
I cancel them. In start up registry I have two items
conected to this
h: c:\windows\temp\se.dll Location
Program located in registry
n\Run.) and
(c:\windows\system32\qiwurs.exe Program located in
In Browser helper objects I get (esyn Module Publisher:
None File path: c:\program files\esyndicate\esyn.dll File
And in my windows temp directory I have ( esyndinst.exe
and se.dll).
Antispyware finds most of this stuff, removes it, it
instantly loads up again.
I have tried manualy to remove them all..to no avail. I
have gone on safe mode to remove them,
but then I cant find the seed of this hijacker. I have
tried cwshredder 2.13....noway, web root spy
Anitspiware MS...noway, spybot...noway and others. I have
reported and sent log files to all of the above without
answer from anyone (for weeks). I am truly
annoyed...enraged . ( Fisrtlyu lets collectivally sue
about.com for obviously
hiring a marketing firm (thus being liable) that evidently
misleads and lies with their unwated popups (trespassing)
(ok i'll shut up now...needed to vent. lol). Anyway,
anybody has suggestions on how to remove this.. Is it a
or have I just been too long without playing around with
the core system on xp.
I get Mycrosoft antispyware giving me a report of
Esyndicate trojan/hijacker loading on and spybot
gives a wwwCoolsearch.leftover for the same item. I have
been trying for weeks to remove it.
It hijacks my EI to about.com, it pops up every 5 minutes
it seems an ad for a spyware removal software
(3 different adds it seems, not in random order). This
malware or whatever you want to call it is one
and all the same. In process I have two files

C:\WINDOWS\system32\qiwuRS.exe) that keep regenerating no
matter how
I cancel them. In start up registry I have two items
conected to this

Program located in registry
n\Run.) and
(c:\windows\system32\qiwurs.exe Program located in
In Browser helper objects I get (esyn Module Publisher:
None File path: c:\program files\esyndicate\esyn.dll File
And in my windows temp directory I have ( esyndinst.exe
and se.dll).
Antispyware finds most of this stuff, removes it, it
instantly loads up again.
I have tried manualy to remove them all..to no avail. I
have gone on safe mode to remove them,
but then I cant find the seed of this hijacker. I have
tried cwshredder 2.13....noway, web root spy
Anitspiware MS...noway, spybot...noway and others. I have
reported and sent log files to all of the above without
answer from anyone (for weeks). I am truly
annoyed...enraged . ( Fisrtlyu lets collectivally sue
about.com for obviously
hiring a marketing firm (thus being liable) that evidently
misleads and lies with their unwated popups (trespassing)
(ok i'll shut up now...needed to vent. lol). Anyway,
anybody has suggestions on how to remove this.. Is it a
or have I just been too long without playing around with
the core system on xp.