Estimation of monthly download....

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Is there a program that will monitor download volume? My ISP has
introduced some new plans that are dependent on download levels and I
have no idea how much I use because my unlimited account is not monitored.

Wald wrote in said:

Broken d/l link, <>, site
not available.
Ditto here: <>.
Tried a quick search for filename, no luck.

To the OP: for others, have a look here:
(scroll up the page to see all in the "8.20 Bandwidth Monitor"

(PS to Susan if she reads this: Above link found via
<P_CategoryIndex.php>. It seems that all the links there takes us to
the end of the list (last entry) of the category in question, instead
of the top (first entry).)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn said:
(scroll up the page to see all in the "8.20 Bandwidth Monitor"

(PS to Susan if she reads this: Above link found via
<P_CategoryIndex.php>. It seems that all the links there takes us to
the end of the list (last entry) of the category in question, instead
of the top (first entry).)

I'm not seeing that behavior in Mozilla or IE5.5. I wonder if it's
browser specific?

I fixed the PL2005 Category Page - your post reminded me there was a
different problem with those links.

Susan Bugher wrote in said:
I'm not seeing that behavior in Mozilla or IE5.5. I wonder if it's
browser specific?

You're right! Didn't even consider to try a different browser.
Have now tried it with Mozilla and IE, and as you say - no problems
there. Glad you noticed! Must be Opera. I have just posted a question
about it the <> group, here is the msg-id
<[email protected]> if you
want to watch for any replies (as you know it may take a day or so
until msg/replies shows on Google groups).

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
From a reply <opsf3ccpol0f6xb9@richardg> received in
the <> group:

[...] Illegal markup (non-unique name attributes for the
anchor element) so the browser can do what it damn well likes.
IE's rendering engine doesn't build a proper parse tree so it
just stops at the first matching name encountered, and Opera
parses the entire page, presumably overwriting the location of
each name as another instance of it is encountered, hence you
wind up at the last.[...]

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn said:
From a reply <opsf3ccpol0f6xb9@richardg> received in
the <> group:

[...] Illegal markup (non-unique name attributes for the
anchor element) so the browser can do what it damn well likes.
IE's rendering engine doesn't build a proper parse tree so it
just stops at the first matching name encountered, and Opera
parses the entire page, presumably overwriting the location of
each name as another instance of it is encountered, hence you
wind up at the last.[...]

Clearly written by an Opera devotee => anything that doesn't work
properly in Opera is illegal.

W3C has no objection to duplicate anchor tags. Works fine in Mozilla and
IE. . .

Anyway, no news there. I think I can reformulate the equations to
accomodate Opera's *idiosyncracies*. ;)

Adding that to the todo list. . .

Bjorn said:
Thank you Susan, tried links on
and seems to work just fine with Opera now, arriving at the begining
of each list, not bottom.

Very Good. :) FWIW - I had kept the anchor tag in each line of the table
so it would sort properly - had to add an alphanumeric sort number
(hidden) when I removed *some* of the anchor tags.

I run the pages through occasionally but
haven't been doing much browser cross-checking.

If anyone has other problems when viewing the pages in a non-Mozilla
browser please let me know.
