eSATA Connection


Oct 26, 2006
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A question to the panel, now some of you must have a case with a eSATA connection (on the front panel). and of course on the inside you get a cable running from that to be connected and looks just like a standard SATA.

Now am I right this can just be plugged into a standard SATA connector on the MOBO ?. And then allows you to use an external SATA device outside the case ?.

My Mobo also has a Power eSATA on the back I/O. I read on a tech news site that previous external SATA devices needed its own power or something. So I'm guessing this Power eSATA is for older devices ?. I'm a bit confused as you can guess, but it never takes much :lol:.

Just one more I'd like to ask here instead of opening another new thread. One of the Optical drives I bought (Sony DRU-880S DVD/RW Drive) did not come with any SATA cable. looked at the pathetic leaflet that came with it and only like one line was in english.

I wanted to find out if this drive would benefit from me connecting a 3GB SATA cable instead of just going for the 2.0 SATA version. Probably doesn't make a difference with a Opticle drive does it ?

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Thanks for the link V_R, I'm still not sure if I can connect this cable to a normal SATA 3gb connection on the mobo as the Antec case manual tells you sod all about it. too many flipping cables and ports and speeds and god knows what next.

I don't want to risk damaging anything, so might just leave it tied up amongst the cable management unconnected.