i've vb .net 2005 application which perfectly run from local computer
(normal from disk), but when I share whole folder and try to launch
application I error:
this is "absolute path information required" and refrence to line:
cnPubs = New SqlConnection()
cnpubs declared as property:
Private _cnPubs As SqlConnection
Public Property cnPubs() As SqlConnection
Return _cnPubs
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As SqlConnection)
_cnPubs = Value
End Set
End Property
cnPubs.ConnectionString = ("Integrated Security=SSPI;Data
Source=(local);" & "Initial Catalog=" & cat)
All permisions are set to FullTrust. Intranet has also fulltrust
permissions. Assemby has been signed with key.
Please help.
i've vb .net 2005 application which perfectly run from local computer
(normal from disk), but when I share whole folder and try to launch
application I error:
this is "absolute path information required" and refrence to line:
cnPubs = New SqlConnection()
cnpubs declared as property:
Private _cnPubs As SqlConnection
Public Property cnPubs() As SqlConnection
Return _cnPubs
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As SqlConnection)
_cnPubs = Value
End Set
End Property
cnPubs.ConnectionString = ("Integrated Security=SSPI;Data
Source=(local);" & "Initial Catalog=" & cat)
All permisions are set to FullTrust. Intranet has also fulltrust
permissions. Assemby has been signed with key.
Please help.