Errors on Forum

Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Ian,
Just got the following when going to another page on this site:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare exec_postvar_call_back() in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\forums\showthread.php on line 80

Also could not get onto the site from about 0930 & ended up giving up.
Have you had problems your end or is it my pc?
Couldn't get on to the site all morning. All seems OK now ....except this reply box is different to usual. I seem to have a choice between "Guided Mode" and "Enhanced Mode", whatever they are.
Thanks feckit :) What sort of time did you get that error, as I'll check the server logs and see what I can find.

I'm in Mexico at the moment, so I'm a bit out of sync and can't post as much as usual - but I'm going to work on making sure the site is running well.

The hosts have had a major problem (just as I touched down yesterday!), so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it:
Same reply box as Nivrip, not the same as "normally" the site looks to be not 100% working!!!
Still got 2 boxs 1=Guided Mode & 1=Enhanced Mode above you have [Font] [Size] [Colour] not in normal way.
Yep, I haven't been able to get to the site all morning up untill I went out at 12pm - and likewise the reply box seems funny...and the smilies don't work when you click on them - works if you copy/paste the smilie code though: :confused:
Yep me too been trying all day then finally managed to get on about 1:00pm ish

Reply box smilies don't work as Ady said and looks weird..
I've done a restart of the server now, and I think that has removed this glitch - although I'm at a loss to see what was wrong this morning :eek:

From reading that forum thread at the host, it appears as though the fire knocked out the domain nameservers which are used for PCReview. So although the host server was in an unaffected located, it was impossible to find. :wall:

Hopefully it should be back to normal now, but I'm going to be keeping an eye on things :thumb: I'm glad I brought my laptop out here :nod:
Adywebb said:
Yay!! smilies are back!!
:thumb: :p :D
:) :mad:
:p :thumb: ;) :(
:D :confused:
:o :cool: :eek: oh & another

I'm in a silly mood & have not touched any drink for 48 hours!!
Hey Ian ! I still have the strange reply box with non-functioning smilies.

It seems every time you go away from home something goes wrong. Only one answer, we should lock you in your house and throw away the key. (Wink - can't get the smilie)
Yep, my reply box has gone wrong again too :wall:

You can still use smilies by clicking the 'more' option and copy/paste the smilie codes :thumb:
This error really has be stumped, but it appears others using the same setup are having the same problem. Restarting IIS solves the problem each time, but isn't very graceful. I've disabled worker process recycling to see if that helps.

It might be that I switch the server to Linux, we'll see ;)
I've found a possible bug in PHP that might cause these problems, so I've modified the recycling rate and web garden to match someone else's setup that found a workaround. I don't know how this will effect performance, but I've put them in place for now (so I can monitor it) and this should hopefully help prevent the HTTP 500 errors.
Sorry to add to things, but I've just received this error:

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 02887F8E

after clicking on Forums from the Home Page. It happened at 16:41 pm
Thanks TC, I'll see if the changes I've made since then have done the trick :)