errors galore and MSSQL7



Last week, my computer would not boot and the error said
I had a missing file or it was corrupted (once was a
driver file and another said the config file). After
hours of working with it, I had to restore Win XP. Now it
takes 3x as long for it to boot up and strange things are
happening. For example, my desktop icons just suddenly
disapear; or when I boot up, I get a blue screen with an
error message about Kernal Inpage error. This is a laptop
compaq presario 1700. When my puter is on, it constantly
makes a noise like it is running something (like right
now when I'm typing this). I was looking at files and saw
a folder called MSSQL7, and within it was 2 other files,
one being a text file. I looked at this file and it is
over 280 pages, which seems obscene to me! It has lots of
reference to users, anonymous and guest. Does anyone know
what this file is and why it is so long. I'm wondering if
someone has hacked into my puter and using my server? Any
thoughts on this? Thanks very much!

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