It may be helpful to know exactly what you
are doing when you receive this error. It's
unusual and I don't have any specific info on it.
I suspect that you may need to delete all of
your Temp and Temporary Internet files and
empty your Recycle bin.
Another possibility is corruption in your library
database. This can be corrected by renaming
your Pictures.pod files. Your cataloging will be
lost. When you reopen the library, new files
will be created and the library will function as it
did the first time you opened it.
If you make copies of the files in your POD folder,
and save them in a separate can
replace them (and restore your cataloging) if
the new .pod files do not solve the issue.
How to find the Database for MS Digital Image Library.
If you have lots of images cataloged, it would be a
good idea to backup the "Pictures.pod" file on a CD...
Each user's database is located in their Application
Data directory (typically C:\Documents and Settings\
<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\POD). The
database is named Pictures.pod by default (though
if a database corruption has occurred, then we will
create new files with incremented names in that same
The user's Application Data directory is a hidden
directory, so users will have to turn on "show hidden
files" in order to see the directory in Explorer. The
actual location of the directory is also stored by the
system in the %APPDATA% environment variable,
so you can get to the folder by going to Start/Run and
"%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Pod" (without the quotes)
Running Disk Cleanup, Error Checking and
Defrag on a regular schedule is a good idea.
(310312) Description of the Disk Cleanup
Tool in Windows XP
(315265) How to Perform Disk Error Checking
in Windows XP
(314848) How to Defragment Your Disk
Drive Volumes in Windows XP
(305781) HOW TO: Analyze and Defragment
a Disk in Windows XP
In the future, please direct your MS Picture It! /
MS Digital Image issues to the pictureit
Try this link: