
  • Thread starter Thread starter Erica Roberts
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Erica Roberts

I am attempting to write some code that auto submits to a few search
engines. The code is crashing when submitting to DMOZ on the
wbbrowser.document.all("submit").click() line. This same line of code works
on Yahoo but not when done the 2nd time under DMOZ. My code is below. the
DMOZ Code is the last set.

The error I am getting is Public member 'click' on type
'DISPHTMLELEMENTCollection' no found.

Private Sub cmdStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cmdStart.Click

Dim i As Integer

Dim SubUrl As String

Dim SubName As String

Dim SubTitle As String

Dim SubDesc As String

Dim SubEmail As String

Dim SubKeywords As String

If Me.lsvDomains.Items.Count > 0 Then

For i = 0 To Me.lsvDomains.Items.Count - 1

If Me.lsvDomains.Items(i).Checked Then

SubUrl = Me.lsvDomains.Items(i).Text

SubTitle = Me.lsvDomains.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text

SubName = Me.lsvDomains.Items(i).SubItems(2).Text

SubEmail = Me.lsvDomains.Items(i).SubItems(3).Text

SubDesc = Me.lsvDomains.Items(i).SubItems(4).Text

''********Submit to Yahoo

Dim URL As String = "" '

Dim Flags As Integer = 0

Dim TargetFrame As String = ""

Dim PostData As Object =

PostData = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(PostData)

Dim Headers = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf

Me.wbBrowser.Navigate(URL, Flags, TargetFrame, PostData, Headers)



Loop While Me.wbBrowser.Busy

wbBrowser.Document.All("title").Value = SubTitle

wbBrowser.Document.All("url").Value = "http://" + SubUrl

'wbBrowser.Document.All("location").Value = txtlocation.Text

wbBrowser.Document.All("comments").Value = SubDesc

wbBrowser.Document.All("name").Value = SubName

wbBrowser.Document.All("email").Value = SubEmail




Loop While Me.wbBrowser.Busy


Me.wbBrowser.Navigate("" +
SubUrl + "&dq=&submit=Add+URL")



Loop While Me.wbBrowser.Busy

''***** (Open Directory Project)




Loop While Me.wbBrowser.Busy

wbBrowser.Document.all("url").value = SubUrl

wbBrowser.Document.all("title").value = SubTitle

wbBrowser.Document.all("description").value = SubDesc

wbBrowser.Document.all("email").value = SubEmail


End If



Loop While Me.wbBrowser.Busy


End If

End Sub
Erica Roberts said:
I am attempting to write some code that auto submits to a few search
engines. The code is crashing when submitting to DMOZ on the
wbbrowser.document.all("submit").click() line. This same line of code works
on Yahoo but not when done the 2nd time under DMOZ. My code is below. the
DMOZ Code is the last set.

You don't need to post the same question more than once.
Herfried K. Wagner said:
You don't need to post the same question more than once.
MS-MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET

Most people don't scroll down to view all of the messages. I didn't think it
was a big deal. I've never gotten a question answered in this newsgroup, so
I though it might help if i kept refreshing the topic.
Erica Roberts said:
Most people don't scroll down to view all of the messages. I didn't
think it was a big deal. I've never gotten a question answered in
this newsgroup, so I though it might help if i kept refreshing the

You are right, but I don't think it's necessary to refresh every hour. :-)
I'd probably ask one or two days later (in the same thread).
Erica Roberts said:
Most people don't scroll down to view all of the messages. I didn't think it
was a big deal. I've never gotten a question answered in this newsgroup, so
I though it might help if i kept refreshing the topic.

There are hundreds of people who don't use the web interface. They use
a newsreader like Outlook Express and will reply to your post even if
it's some days old.
Herfried K. Wagner said:
There are hundreds of people who don't use the web interface. They use
a newsreader like Outlook Express and will reply to your post even if
it's some days old.

Ok, thanks. I'll know this for future questions. :)
Mostly Charles answers all webbrowser questions,
He knows such a lot of it, that others keep quiet.
But he is mostly active from friday to sunday.
But maybe he sees your message.
I put something extra in the top of the subject from this message.
