Error with your hard drive, help



My computer froze in OE , could not alt, control, delete and had to just
shut down computer. It would not reload windows and got stuck and went
around in circles with the start up options screen could not start up in
safe mode or any other option . Could not use recovery console as it said my
password was wrong. I reformatted and tried to reinstall winxp. That was a
no go and kept saying there is a problem with your hard drive. I installed a
new Maxtor 160GB ultra ATA/133. Only recoginised as 137 GB even after using
the Maxtor software install CD.

I also set the old hard drive WD1200BB , 120GB as the slave.
Now it wants to start as a multi Boot systeem with option of 2 winxp
Still starts up with " There is an error with your hard drive" I checked
both hard drives with utilities from both manufactures and they were
reported as ok.
I can not fix this problem it is driving me nuts.
I am not sure what other information you need.
Gateway desktop Computer P4, 2.00GHz, 512 Ram
Win XP 2002 version with all updates and service packs.
Any one know

Rich Barry

Suzy, try removing the older hard drive and on the new one if you have
WinXP installed do Repair Install if you can't boot into WinXP. Pay close attention
to step 3.
Once you get SP2 installed the remainder of the 160G will show up.
You have to rt click on MyComputer>Select Manage>Disk Management>and
partition and format the remaining drive space. Once you get all this
working then you
can reconnect the older drive and do a complete disk check and format.
You could use the WD diagnostic utility also.

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