Error with the Framework or misunderstanding ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BLaZeX
  • Start date Start date



I have a question for all of you.

I created a simple program using C# Framework 1.1 (Studio 2003). On my
computer everything goes very well (no bugs, no problems). But once i
put the same software on another computer with the Framework 1.1
installed I don't know why but everything crash. I got errors where
I'm not suppose to have compare to the same program on my computer.

Can anybody help me ? what did I do wrong ?
Is it something wrong installed or something I missed at all ?

Thanks a lot
Not easy to determine from the information you've supplied so far. When does
it crash on the other computer, when it starts or at a later stage? Have you
tried it on more than one computer (besides your dev machine)?
Hello BLaZeX,

Could you provide some details on the error message your getting when everything crashes?
Hello BLaZeX,

Could you provide some details on the error message your getting when everything crashes?


Now i have to reinstall my IDE, I don't remember exactly what was the
errors. But it was concerning some basic functions(normal ones)

I tried it on another computer with the Framework 1.1 installed and
got those errors. Anyway, I will reinstall my IDE and recompile the
source code then I will provide you the error message I'll get.

Thanks a lot, I'll be back soon with these errors.