Error with Instance of Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frederik
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I have two (related) forms: cds and trakcs. I have a button on the cds
form wich opens an instance of the tracks form and fills it with the
tracks of the current record/cd in the cds form. In the beginning
everything seems to work fine, but when I close the new form and try to
open another or the same tracklist from the cds form I get an
"Application-defined or object-defined error". I have no idea what's
going wrong. Somebody experienced/solved a sort-like problem? At the
end of this message, you'll find some part of my code (comments are in

Thanks in advance,

** start vba code **

Private Sub cmdShowTracks_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdShowTracks_Click

Dim frmPopup As Form_tracklist
Dim strLinkCriteria As String
Dim strLbl As String
Dim strAlbumTitel As String
Dim i As Integer

strLbl = Me![Label]
strAlbumTitel = Me![Albumtitel]
strLinkCriteria = "SELECT * FROM tabel_tracklist WHERE [CD]=" & "'" &
strLbl & "'"

Set frmPopup = New Form_tracklist
frmPopup.RecordSource = strLinkCriteria
frmPopup.Tag = strAlbumTitel ' titel als tag toevoegen

' nagaan of de cd wel tracks heeft in de database
If frmPopup.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No tracks were found. The cd has not been indexed.", _
vbInformation, "CD has not been indexed"
Exit Sub
End If

' als de tracklist al is geopend, zet de focus daar dan op en stop
' iets is nog niet in orde!
If colForms.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To colForms.Count
If colForms(i).Tag = strAlbumTitel Then ' foutmelding
Set frmPopup = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End If

frmPopup.Visible = True
frmPopup.Move 15, 15
frmPopup.Caption = "Tracklist voor " & DQ & strAlbumTitel & DQ
frmPopup.txtAlbum.ControlSource = "=DLookUp(" & DQ & "[Albumtitel]" &
DQ & "," & _
DQ & "tabel_cds" & DQ & "," & DQ & "[Label] ='" & strLbl & "'" & DQ
& ")"
frmPopup.txtAlbum.Enabled = False
frmPopup.cmdShowTracks.Enabled = False

colForms.Add frmPopup

Exit Sub

InputBox "Error description:", "Error", Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdShowTracks_Click

End Sub

Private Sub frmClose(f As Form)

On Error Resume Next
colForms.Remove f.hWnd & ""

End Sub

** end vba code **

Show us the code you're using.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia
Hi Graham,

The main code (which causes the error) is in my previous message (I
skipped the code that's got nothing to do with the error).

Kind regards,
Michael (and everyone else).

Those messages were certainly not posted by me. They appear to have been
spoofed by some wacko. Given the times they were posted, it was the middle
of the night here in Oz, so I was fast asleep.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Canberra, Australia