Brad Clarke
I am trying to search thru a spreadsheet using "Find" (see below) and keep
getting an error - "Run time error 1004 - Unable to get the Find property of
the Range Class". What am i doing wrong???
With Worksheets("Revegetation").Range("A1:Z1000").Find("Totals",
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=True)
Brad Clark
I am trying to search thru a spreadsheet using "Find" (see below) and keep
getting an error - "Run time error 1004 - Unable to get the Find property of
the Range Class". What am i doing wrong???
With Worksheets("Revegetation").Range("A1:Z1000").Find("Totals",
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=True)
Brad Clark