Has anyone seen this ?
Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, User Accounts.
Get a dialog titled "User Accounts" with the message "Wrong number of
arguments or invalid property assignment".
Using Task Manager, I can see that mshta.exe is running until I click the Ok
button in the User Accounts dialog.
Using SP2 with all the QFE's including the 10/28 package.
Any ideas or tips are appreciated.
Has anyone seen this ?
Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, User Accounts.
Get a dialog titled "User Accounts" with the message "Wrong number of
arguments or invalid property assignment".
Using Task Manager, I can see that mshta.exe is running until I click the Ok
button in the User Accounts dialog.
Using SP2 with all the QFE's including the 10/28 package.
Any ideas or tips are appreciated.