Error when trying to save...

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In windows movie maker, when I try to save my movie, it gives me the
following message:

"Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify
that the original source files used in your movie are still available, that
the saving location is still available, and that there is enough free disk
space available, and then try again."

However, all my files that are used in the movie are still in place, and my
disk space is half free. Does anyone have a suggestion for my problem? Thanks
in advance.
Although your disc space may be half free, if your movie is an hour long and
you have only 10gb left it is not enough.
How large is the movie? how much space do you have? Check out problem solving > can't save a movie
How much RAM does your machine have? I had the same problem, although my
movie was considerably longer than 14 minutes, on my 256MB RAM machine. I
tried it on a machine with 512MB and it saved without a problem.

Ken Gregg
Same problem to me.
My film was one hour long, i cant record it whatever i do.
I have 512 Mo DDR , DD Space Free is 25 Go.
I 've cut my project in two pieces of about one hundred scenes each.
So it make a fil of 30 minutes long.
It start to save in avi but stops at about 30 % of the file.
I've cut again in two pieces of 15 minutes.
its hang again at about 60 % of file.
Does that meens that WMM is not able to make more than 7 minutes of film in
avi ?
My PC is the average machine : AMD XP 2000 512 MO DDR , 2 HDD ( 80 Go for
System / 50 Go for video )
I get the same error message. I have a 110 minute audio (17Mb wma file) I'm
to split into two 55 minute files so I can write onto two 80 min CD's.
Everything appears to go well until I try to save to disk and I get the same
not-very-helpful error message. My PC has 512Mb RAM and 37GB free disk on the
ntfs drive I'm writing to. (Movie Maker reports the split file size is about
4Mb - I selected voice quality on saving to shrink it more).
Why? I have three computers runing XP.x This one that is having the same
problem as the original poster. I can not save any movie of any length. Pent
4, 1 gig ram, 75 gig free on HD. NTFS file system. I have a desktop, Pent 4,
1 gig ram, 80 gig available on HD and Movie Maker works fine.

I have a 3rd older Pent 4, 1 gig Ram, 40 gig available on the HD, FAT32 file
system and Movie Maker works fine.

So what is the point of what file system he has as I can tell you they both
work with moviemaker?

I see nowhere on MS's site where you can download moviemaker to reload it
let alone remove it from your computer as it is part of the operating system.
Unless you had an older XP that you needed to load SP2, I guess you could
delete SP2 and reinstall it. This is only a guess as it seems like a lot of
work and could be disasterous to the computer as well.

MS tells me I have to call HP. HP tells me it is a MS problem. As with the
original poster, we are between a rock and a hard place.
Hi Mike J.

I can feel your pain since I myself have spent countless hours trying
to figure out what the problem was.

I have used Windows Movie Maker many times with no problems.

Just recently (last month or two), I have been receiving the error
message "Window Movie Maker cannot save....".

I was trying to use the software with more disk space (NTFS) and RAM
than I did when the software operated properly and I still was getting
the error message.

The problem was not associated with size of the project, the size or
location of the source file(s), or the type of the source file(s).

I was getting the error message every time I tried to save the movie
off to my computer and it made absolutely no difference what I did to
attempt to fix the problem.

I then read the following on this website:

"A number of users reported their issues resolved by reinstalling the
Windows Media Player... I don't undertand the relationship, but want to
pass it along."

I reinstalled Microsoft Windows Media Player:

Go figure!
It fixed the problem for me and I am thrilled!
I hope it works for you, too.

Good Luck,

Thanks. I spent a couple of hours debugging after posting here. I ran it
down to Music Match, which gave me trouble about a year ago whe I updated it.
It blocked ALL music from Media Player, incuding my own recorded music. It
would tell me I didn't have the proper license.

I removed Music Match, reinstalled it and then upgraded Media Player. All
worked fine after.

I updated Music Match this afternoon and now Movie Maker is working. Wierd
as I hadn't done any updates before Movie Maker quit.

What ticks me off is MS and their so called support. Their support is users
like you and I who spend hours and hours begugging their software and then
letting other know the fix. To think I alpha tested sveral DOS versions and
Windows platforms just to get currect versions.
