G Guest Oct 7, 2006 #1 Everytime I shut down Outlook I recieve an error stating " encounters error outlook needs to shut down.
Everytime I shut down Outlook I recieve an error stating " encounters error outlook needs to shut down.
B Ben M. Schorr - MVP Oct 7, 2006 #2 Aloha Prichusa, What version of Outlook are you shutting down? -Ben- Ben M. Schorr - MVP Roland Schorr & Tower http://www.rolandschorr.com Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm
Aloha Prichusa, What version of Outlook are you shutting down? -Ben- Ben M. Schorr - MVP Roland Schorr & Tower http://www.rolandschorr.com Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm
G Guest Oct 8, 2006 #3 And is there a difference in the way you shut down? Right top cross? Or the menu File | Exit, or Alt F4 And, did you install add ins? Or is your outlook busy doing something (e.g. sending an e-mail)?
And is there a difference in the way you shut down? Right top cross? Or the menu File | Exit, or Alt F4 And, did you install add ins? Or is your outlook busy doing something (e.g. sending an e-mail)?