Amedee Van Gasse
One of our users reported a problem with sending email using CDO on
only one particular pc.
The problem didn't actually manifest itself in Excel, however the code
they use is almost identical to the code on http://www.rondebruin.nl/cdo.htm
I can also simulate the problem when I copy the Ron De Bruin code to
an Excel VBA code module and execute it on that particular pc.
The error in the applications is:
Fouten bij gegevenstransport
Er zijn fouten gebeurd bij het verzenden van de email :
De transportfunctie kan geen verbinding maken met de server.
In Excel/VBA, it goes like this:
Fout -2147220973 (80040213) tijdens uitvoering:
This error pops up on the .Send command.
I have already tried to send an email using Telnet (HELO, MAIL FROM,
RCPT TO, DATA) to rule out network or firewall issues. Telnetting to
port 25 of the mailserver worked just fine.
I searched for the error number and I only came up with a possible
solution that says that you have to add authentication by adding the
following to iConf.Fields:
smtpauthenticate") = 1
..Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") =
..Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") =
but that didn't work either. The error was:
Sending NOT OK: Het bericht kan niet worden verzonden naar de SMTP-
server. De foutcode van het transport is 0x80040217. Reactie van
server: not available
I searched that error number too but I didn't find any interesting
We are using WindowsXPsp2 and Office2003sp3.
The SMTP server is a Lotus Notes server on the internal network and it
accepts SMTP connections without a need for authentication AFAICT.
(because the telnet test worked)
Except for replacing the pc, I have run out of ideas.
Has anyone ever encountered (and solved) a similar problem?
One of our users reported a problem with sending email using CDO on
only one particular pc.
The problem didn't actually manifest itself in Excel, however the code
they use is almost identical to the code on http://www.rondebruin.nl/cdo.htm
I can also simulate the problem when I copy the Ron De Bruin code to
an Excel VBA code module and execute it on that particular pc.
The error in the applications is:
Fouten bij gegevenstransport
Er zijn fouten gebeurd bij het verzenden van de email :
De transportfunctie kan geen verbinding maken met de server.
In Excel/VBA, it goes like this:
Fout -2147220973 (80040213) tijdens uitvoering:
This error pops up on the .Send command.
I have already tried to send an email using Telnet (HELO, MAIL FROM,
RCPT TO, DATA) to rule out network or firewall issues. Telnetting to
port 25 of the mailserver worked just fine.
I searched for the error number and I only came up with a possible
solution that says that you have to add authentication by adding the
following to iConf.Fields:
smtpauthenticate") = 1
..Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") =
..Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") =
but that didn't work either. The error was:
Sending NOT OK: Het bericht kan niet worden verzonden naar de SMTP-
server. De foutcode van het transport is 0x80040217. Reactie van
server: not available
I searched that error number too but I didn't find any interesting
We are using WindowsXPsp2 and Office2003sp3.
The SMTP server is a Lotus Notes server on the internal network and it
accepts SMTP connections without a need for authentication AFAICT.
(because the telnet test worked)
Except for replacing the pc, I have run out of ideas.
Has anyone ever encountered (and solved) a similar problem?