Error when saving as a Web Page



I am using PowerPoint 2000 on Windows 2000 Pro with the latest updates and
Service Packs installed.

When I try to save or view a PowerPoint presentation as a web page I get the
following error message: "PowerPoint found an error that it can't correct.
You should save Presentations, quit, and then restart PowerPoint."

Does anyone know what's causing this and if there is a fix? I have some
workarounds that I listed below but they ultimately don't provide a good
solution for me.

1. If I delete all of the slides with graphics, then I can view or save as a
web page. 2. If I e-mail the file to myself and open it on my home PC with
PPT 2003, I can save the exact same file as a web page with no problem.


Steve Rindsberg

I am using PowerPoint 2000 on Windows 2000 Pro with the latest updates and
Service Packs installed.

When I try to save or view a PowerPoint presentation as a web page I get the
following error message: "PowerPoint found an error that it can't correct.
You should save Presentations, quit, and then restart PowerPoint."

Does anyone know what's causing this and if there is a fix? I have some
workarounds that I listed below but they ultimately don't provide a good
solution for me.

1. If I delete all of the slides with graphics, then I can view or save as a
web page. 2. If I e-mail the file to myself and open it on my home PC with
PPT 2003, I can save the exact same file as a web page with no problem.

It's hard to say what the problem might be. Corrupted graphics or shapes on
one or more slides is a possibility. Try creating copies of your presentation,
one with only the first half of the slides, the other with the second half.
Does the problem follow one or the other half? If so, divide it in half and
test again. And again. And ... etc. Until it's narrowed down to just one

Another possiblity: try roundtripping it on the home machine.

Save it as HTML there, then open the saved HTML back into PPT.
Choose File, Save As, pick PPT and give it a new name. See if that'll now open
in PPT 2000. As warped as that may sound, sometimes it cleans things up.

Before doing any of this stuff, I'd make sure both copies of PPT are set up

Do this before using PowerPoint seriously

Glen Millar


Delete your default printer, reinstall it and set it back to default. And if
it works, please let me know.



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


glen at powerpointworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint and Windows
version, whether you are using vba,
whether your dog has fleas, or
anything else relevant.

The coolest&hottest powerpoint Add-in

On my machine wiht PP2000 and Win2000 pro, there is no such problem.
Maybe something wrong in your image en/decoders on your machine?
Have you tried to save Word documents with images to webpages

Just a little suspacious.

Best regards,
Let's make all your audience to -459.6 oF with your presentations!
Try Power Pointer right now!


Steve, Glen and KPP - thanks for all of the sugguestions. I won't be back to
the office to troubleshoot until Monday afternoon but I'll let all of you
know if one of your suggestions work or if I can narrow down the exact
problem. I already had one of our IT techs uninstall and reinstall PowerPoint
but that didn't help.

For right now my solution is just to send files home which just means folks
at work have to wait a while before their presenations get posted. Thanks


Glen Millar


By the way, when you reinstall the printer, try to see if there is a new
driver for it.



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


glen at powerpointworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint and Windows
version, whether you are using vba,
whether your dog has fleas, or
anything else relevant.


Glen -

I've put in a ticket to have my print drivers uninstalled and reinstalled
and asked our folks to look for the newest drivers. I can't do it myself
since I don't have the permissions. I'll let you know.


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