Error when Restoring Data from Tape Backup

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rio
  • Start date Start date


Hi all, I'm Rio.

I have a Windows 2000 Server SP4 with an IDE Seagate
STT20000A (ATAPI) tape drive.

On the backup reports, I get the following message:

Error: The device reported an error on a request to write
data to media.
Error reported: Bad data.

I get the error when I try to restore from a tape after
completed backup. When cataloging the tape, after a
certain time, I get the error message.

Has anyone had this error before? I suspect of the tape

Thank you.

I ran into a similar problem and found that the
compression setting on the tape drive had changed. Make
sure your tape settings are all the same and or it may
have to be changed once and then set back to your original
compression when you recorded. This fixed things for me,
maybe it will for you.? Good luck!