Error when refreshing data




I have been developing on a database for a few months now (off and on) and
all of a sudden I am experiencing the following error when I try to refresh
data on a form:

"Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close."

The refresh button I am using is one I created with a wizard and it had been
working fine until a couple of weeks ago. I've spent all morning going
through the suggestions on this forum about that particular error and I have
tried repair/compact, decompiling, importing everything to a new database,
etc. and nothing has cleared the error. Other functions on the form work
fine, any ideas?



By everything, I'm assuming that you have check references.

Take the database to another computer and see if it has the same problem.
If it has the same problem and you work in a network environment, see if
they installed any new software lately or updates to existing software.

If the database runs fine on another computer, it's probably your computer.
First run an updated virus checker just to eliminate that possibility. Then
make sure that all the latest office and windows updates are installed.

Next open Access and go up to Help, Detect and Repair to see if it finds
anything needing fixing.

If that doesn't work, you could try to uninstall and reinstall Access or all
of Office. To be frank, I've found that it's often best to wipe the hard
drive and start from scratch.


Thanks, Jerry.

Actually, to make things even stranger, I found an older back-up of the
database and tried that one out. Everything worked fine when I refreshed the
form. I copied the code from this older version into the newer one and the
newer one still bombed. It also bombs when when I use the Refresh command
from the menu bar. I have added very little information to the tables in the
db since I last backed it up and I haven't made any changes to the forms. I
can use this older version but I will lose some reports I added and other
small things. Not to mention if this happens again I'll be right back where I
started. Any other ideas by any chance?



It's pretty obvious that the .mdb file is corrupt. There are a few things
that you can try to recover it. Often importing everything into a new
database file fixes it but you tried this.

Tony Toews has an excellent web page on database corruption.

Allen Brown also has excellent info on corruption.

I have a white paper in a Word document named Fix Corrupt Access Database
towards the bottom this page:

As far as it happening again, nothing beats a recent backup. You might
consider backing up at least once a week. Also if you split the database,
your data will be much more secure as often forms and reports cause the

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