Error when creating a 2-arguments subroutine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Lam
  • Start date Start date

Michael Lam

Dear all,
I am writing a VBA for an excel application. I have encountered some
problems regarding the multi-parameters subroutine. Here is the simplied

'The subroutine

Sub LineUpMyCharts(group As Integer, amount As Integer)
Dim MyWidth As Single, MyHeight As Single
Dim NumWide As Long
Dim iChtIx As Integer
Dim iChtCt As Integer

Dim n As Integer

MyWidth = 150
MyHeight = 100
NumWide = 3
n = 0
iChtCt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.count
For iChtIx = 1 To iChtCt
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(iChtIx)
If Left(.Name, 5) <> "hello" Then
.Width = MyWidth
.Height = MyHeight
.Left = n * MyWidth
.Top = (group Mod 2) * MyHeight
.Name = "hello" & iChtIx
n = n + 1
End If
End With

End Sub

'Main Function

Dim i, j, k as integer
i = 0
j = 0
k= 0

Sub Macro1()
LineUpMyCharts(i, j)
End Sub

When I started to run it, an error message as shown belows poped out:
Compile Error:
Syntax Error:

Then, I tried to modify the LineUpMyCharts into a function not a subroutine
as shown:

Function LineUpMyCharts(group As Integer, amount As Integer) as integer

When I called the function through the following code:

Dim dummy as integer
dummy = LineUpMyCharts(i, j)

Another error poped out:
Compile Error:
ByRef argument type mismatch

I am not really an expert in programming and I appreciate if you can help
me. Thanks

Hi Michael,

You LineUpMyCharts routine is expecting 2 Integer arguments.

The Dim statement you have used only declares k as an integer.
The variables i and j will be treated as variants.

Dim i, j, k as integer

replace with
Dim i as integer , j as integer , k as integer

Also the use of brackets around the passing arguments is only necessary
if you use the Call statement, assuming LineUpMyCharts is a subroutine.


Call LineUpMyCharts(i, j) ' valid

LineUpMyCharts i, j ' also valid

Thank you so much!


Andy Pope said:
Hi Michael,

You LineUpMyCharts routine is expecting 2 Integer arguments.

The Dim statement you have used only declares k as an integer.
The variables i and j will be treated as variants.

Dim i, j, k as integer

replace with
Dim i as integer , j as integer , k as integer

Also the use of brackets around the passing arguments is only necessary
if you use the Call statement, assuming LineUpMyCharts is a subroutine.


Call LineUpMyCharts(i, j) ' valid

LineUpMyCharts i, j ' also valid

1) > iChtCt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.count
Count properties are generally Long Integers, as this one is. Try:
"Dim iChtCt As Long" instead.

2) > Dim i, j, k as integer
i and j will be Variants, k is the only Integer.
Use "i as Integer, j as Integer, k as integer" or use 3 separate lines
or coerce them by using Cint before you pass them.

3) Changing LineUpMyCharts to a function shouldn't be necessary, and may be
counter productive if you didn't add a line within the function assigning a
return value to the Function name.

I don't know if changing these will make the problems go away, but they will
eliminate them as possible causes.