Hello -
I have a form setup that contains 2 combo boxes, 1 button
to open a different form and 1 button to close the form.
The 2 combo boxes are as follows
pub_id (pk)
Pub_id criteria= [Forms]![frm_OUpubSelect]![cmb_pub]
In the after update event of the cmb_pub I have:
The idea of this form is to find the appropriate record
to work on and then open up the form with the
corresponding data.
The problem:
A user selects the first combo box, then the second, then
clicks the button to open form2. When they are finished,
they close form2 and then would click on the button to
close form1 which is a simple DoCmd.close.
When you try to close this form, I get the following...
it is looking for a pub_id from the criteria in my second
combo box.
This stumped our resident expert here and it is driving
me batty, any ideas??
Thank you,
I have a form setup that contains 2 combo boxes, 1 button
to open a different form and 1 button to close the form.
The 2 combo boxes are as follows
pub_id (pk)
Pub_id criteria= [Forms]![frm_OUpubSelect]![cmb_pub]
In the after update event of the cmb_pub I have:
The idea of this form is to find the appropriate record
to work on and then open up the form with the
corresponding data.
The problem:
A user selects the first combo box, then the second, then
clicks the button to open form2. When they are finished,
they close form2 and then would click on the button to
close form1 which is a simple DoCmd.close.
When you try to close this form, I get the following...
it is looking for a pub_id from the criteria in my second
combo box.
This stumped our resident expert here and it is driving
me batty, any ideas??
Thank you,