You're wrong here! A CD-RW does not need to be formatted for packet writing to be/remain a CD-RW. CD-RW simply means it can be erased and used again, whether it has PW format or not doesn't matter. If this were the case as you say it is, then XP's builtin feature, would not allow erasing a CD-RW with data, but it does. And, XP's system doesn't include PW.
Packet Writing is totally seaparate from saying it is needed to keep a CD-RW a CD-RW, you only need PW, if you want to make a CD-RW (since CD-Rs cannot be made this) like a hard drive or floppy, allowing direct manipulation/drag and drop files directly on/to the disk. This is not (again, this has been pointed out to you too many times) needed for CD-RWs to remain CD-RWs.
Though Jimmy seems to be nasty, I didn't see any misspelling, other than his cheap shot on a one's nationality.