error when changing cd attributes

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When I try to change files from a cd to get rid of read
only I get an error message that says " an error occurred
attributes to the file access is denied. Any ideas?
When I try to change files from a cd to get rid of read
only I get an error message that says " an error occurred
attributes to the file access is denied. Any ideas?

Are the files still on the CD when you try to change the attributes? If
yes, not being allowed to change those is expected. Copy the files back to
the hard drive. Then change the attributes.

If you still run into trouble, what kind of files are these? Are they
protected by other means? For example, several Office programs allow an
author to "lock" a file against changes. Unlock the file via Office -
usually a matter of removing the protection or supplying a password.
The acronym CD-ROM (which is what a recorded CD-R is) stands for Compact
Disc - Read Only Memory. Do the math. Figure it out. Live with it.

Even if you use CD-RW, the actual file on the CD-RW is read only, but can be
replaced or updated with an edited version of that file. The difference is
that A CD-R is write-once, whereas a CD-RW can be written to many times.

A CD-R that has data on it becomes a CD-ROM.
A CD-RW that has data on it becomes a CD-RW.

NoNoBadDog! said:
A CD-RW that has data on it becomes a CD-RW.

You dumb cünt! How in the hell does the same type (in this case CD-RW) *become* the same type?? It can REMAIN the same, but it cannot become the same. Aren't you the fücktard that complains to others (at times) about proper grammar and English usage?

You have to be hillbilly ameriKKKan!
At least I can spell. And a CD-RW does not become a CD-RW until formatted
for use as a CD-RW (packet writing). A CD-RW can also be used ad a CD-R
without using packet writing software.


A CD-RW that has data on it becomes a CD-RW.

You dumb cünt! How in the hell does the same type (in this case CD-RW)
*become* the same type?? It can REMAIN the same, but it cannot become the
same. Aren't you the fücktard that complains to others (at times) about
proper grammar and English usage?

You have to be hillbilly ameriKKKan!
The above post contains offensive language.

A CD-RW that has data on it becomes a CD-RW.

You dumb cünt! How in the hell does the same type (in this case CD-RW)
*become* the same type?? It can REMAIN the same, but it cannot become the
same. Aren't you the fücktard that complains to others (at times) about
proper grammar and English usage?

You have to be hillbilly ameriKKKan!
You're wrong here! A CD-RW does not need to be formatted for packet writing to be/remain a CD-RW. CD-RW simply means it can be erased and used again, whether it has PW format or not doesn't matter. If this were the case as you say it is, then XP's builtin feature, would not allow erasing a CD-RW with data, but it does. And, XP's system doesn't include PW.

Packet Writing is totally seaparate from saying it is needed to keep a CD-RW a CD-RW, you only need PW, if you want to make a CD-RW (since CD-Rs cannot be made this) like a hard drive or floppy, allowing direct manipulation/drag and drop files directly on/to the disk. This is not (again, this has been pointed out to you too many times) needed for CD-RWs to remain CD-RWs.

Though Jimmy seems to be nasty, I didn't see any misspelling, other than his cheap shot on a one's nationality.