I add reference office.dll and Microsoft Office Excel Component to my
project and use :
Dim App As Excel.Application, BarName as String
Dim Bar As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar =
Than recieve this error in my task board for the second code line:
+ 'Reference required to assembly 'Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core'
containing the type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBars'. Add one to
your project.'
What can I do in order to solve this problem?
project and use :
Dim App As Excel.Application, BarName as String
Dim Bar As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar =
Than recieve this error in my task board for the second code line:
+ 'Reference required to assembly 'Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core'
containing the type 'Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBars'. Add one to
your project.'
What can I do in order to solve this problem?