error - unable to set the XValues property of the series class

  • Thread starter Thread starter vjp
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I am new to excel programming. Want to create a 3D Surface chart. I a
using VB 6.0 and Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library. Data for the char
is in the text file and I don't want to put that data in worksheet
Instead I have populated that data in Variant arrays. Three Varian
arrays for 3 Axes. But i am getting error for the following code:

Set objExcelApp = New Excel.Application
Set objExcelWkb = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
Set objExcelWs = objExcelWkb.Worksheets(1)
Set objExcelCht = objExcelWkb.Charts.Add
Set objexcelseries1 = objExcelCht.SeriesCollection.NewSerie
I don't expect an error yet with the lines you've posted, especially an XValues
error. The thing with some chart types (including bubble, stock, and surface/contour
charts) is that you need to specify the chart source data first, then specify the
chart type. If you are using a recorded macro as your guide, it will confuse you
because it always says it specified the chart type first (which is the order the
chart wizard steps through). Also, in a surface/contour chart, VBA chokes if you try
to refer to individual series values and xvalues.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions