I am new to excel programming. Want to create a 3D Surface chart. I a
using VB 6.0 and Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library. Data for the char
is in the text file and I don't want to put that data in worksheet
Instead I have populated that data in Variant arrays. Three Varian
arrays for 3 Axes. But i am getting error for the following code:
Set objExcelApp = New Excel.Application
Set objExcelWkb = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
Set objExcelWs = objExcelWkb.Worksheets(1)
Set objExcelCht = objExcelWkb.Charts.Add
Set objexcelseries1 = objExcelCht.SeriesCollection.NewSerie
I am new to excel programming. Want to create a 3D Surface chart. I a
using VB 6.0 and Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library. Data for the char
is in the text file and I don't want to put that data in worksheet
Instead I have populated that data in Variant arrays. Three Varian
arrays for 3 Axes. But i am getting error for the following code:
Set objExcelApp = New Excel.Application
Set objExcelWkb = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
Set objExcelWs = objExcelWkb.Worksheets(1)
Set objExcelCht = objExcelWkb.Charts.Add
Set objexcelseries1 = objExcelCht.SeriesCollection.NewSerie