Leonard Danao
I get this error when i run my code below
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in
Additional information: The remote server returned an error: (401)
I am attempting to access a secure https site which
1-the site gives you your own certificate to use to access the site
2-a uname/password challenge i am not sure if it is basic or digest but i
have tried both
I can manually enter the site using a browser
1- the site asks for a cert which you will need select before going onto the
username/password area no domain
2- uname/pwd entered the correct password
3- the site then sends you to the correct area for which you are authorized
manualy everythign works fine so i know the uname/pwd are correct
at 1 point i was getting a 403 forbidden error but adding line 12 solved
its not very complex and probably a newbie mistake and i know i did not add
error handling yet, i want it to error out on any problems,
I am trying to access the site to upload some HR information. and no ADP is
not supporting this
Thank you in advance for any help
Leonard Danao
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in
Additional information: The remote server returned an error: (401)
I am attempting to access a secure https site which
1-the site gives you your own certificate to use to access the site
2-a uname/password challenge i am not sure if it is basic or digest but i
have tried both
I can manually enter the site using a browser
1- the site asks for a cert which you will need select before going onto the
username/password area no domain
2- uname/pwd entered the correct password
3- the site then sends you to the correct area for which you are authorized
manualy everythign works fine so i know the uname/pwd are correct
at 1 point i was getting a 403 forbidden error but adding line 12 solved
its not very complex and probably a newbie mistake and i know i did not add
error handling yet, i want it to error out on any problems,
I am trying to access the site to upload some HR information. and no ADP is
not supporting this
Thank you in advance for any help
Leonard Danao
1 ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = New
3 Dim ADPPayrollwebsite As String = "https://<Some ADP Site"
4 Dim userName As String = "<uname>"
5 Dim userPassword As String = "<pwd>"
6 Dim AuthDomain As String = "<domain>"
7 Dim OneCred As NetworkCredential
8 Dim CredCache As CredentialCache
9 ' The path to the certificate.
10 Dim Certificate As String = "<cer>"
11 ' Load the certificate into an X509Certificate object.
12 Dim cert As X509Certificate =
13 Dim encoding As New ASCIIEncoding
14 Dim PostData As String = ""
15 Dim Data() As Byte = encoding.GetBytes(PostData)
16 Dim LoginReq As HttpWebRequest =
17 OneCred = New NetworkCredential(userName, userPassword) ',
18 Dim wrCache As CredentialCache = New CredentialCache
19 wrCache.Add(New Uri(ADPPayrollwebsite), "digest", New
NetworkCredential(userName, userPassword)) 'OneCred)
20 With LoginReq
21 .ClientCertificates.Add(cert)
22 .PreAuthenticate = False
23 .Credentials = wrCache
24 .KeepAlive = False
25 .Method = "POST"
26 .AllowAutoRedirect = True
27 .ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
28 .ContentLength = Data.Length
29 End With
30 Dim sendreq As Stream = LoginReq.GetRequestStream
31 sendreq.Write(Data, 0, Data.Length)
32 sendreq.Close()
33 Dim loginres As HttpWebResponse = LoginReq.GetResponse()
34 Dim sreader As StreamReader = New
35 Dim HTML As String = sreader.ReadToEnd
36 txbTestArea.Text = ADPPayrollwebsite & vbCrLf ' Site/Page
currently visiting
37 ' View headers for this connection
38 Dim i As Integer
39 While i < loginres.Headers.Count
40 txbTestArea.Text = txbTestArea.Text & loginres.Headers.Keys(i)
& " : " & loginres.Headers(i) & vbCrLf
41 i = i + 1
42 End While
43 'view the URI that responded to this request
44 txbTestArea.Text = txbTestArea.Text &
loginres.ResponseUri.ToString & vbCrLf
45 loginres.Close()